By Jeremy Craig, Communications Manager for the Office of the Provost
The Office of the Provost congratulates faculty honorees, and the students, faculty and staff named as the inaugural recipients of the Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (JEDI) Award.
Honorees were recognized during the Celebrating Faculty Excellence event on Thursday, Oct. 1, where award recipients from 2020 were also commended for their achievements.
Learn more about the award recipients and their work below, where you can also find a photo gallery from the event. List of individuals honored for promotions and/or tenure are also available on this page.
Regents’ Professors
This honor is bestowed on distinguished faculty whose innovative scholarly achievements are recognized nationally and internationally. This is the highest academic appointment in the University System of Georgia.
Professor Pam Longobardi is a faculty member in the Department of Art and Design. She has shown her artwork in museums and galleries worldwide, including the Goulandris Museum of Natural History in Athens.
Her work has been purchased for major collections such as the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, for which curators traveled across the country to choose 100 works representing the breadth of artistic practice across the United States.
Likewise, Professor Longobardi’s installation “Ghosts of Consumption” has been featured and was reproduced in numerous print media, including the Wall Street Journal. She also was awarded the Hudgens Prize, one of the largest awards given to North American artists.
Her most recent work on the Drifters Project explores the intersection of art, science, and activism in a collaborative and international context has been featured in several films to include National Geographic.
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Dr. Xiaochun He is a faculty member in Physics and Astronomy, and he is considered the world leader in experimental high-energy nuclear physics. He has brought significant recognition to Georgia State through his collaborative work on an international project called the Pioneering High Energy Nuclear Interaction Experiment, also known as the PHENIX project at the Brookhaven National Labs.
The PHENIX project seeks to investigate high energy collisions of heavy ions, which is relevant to the earliest stage of the universe after the Big Bang. Dr. He is a vital member of the PHENIX project and serves as a board member.
He has authored more than 200 peer-reviewed publications and has been highly successful in attracting external grants continuously from 1996 to the present.
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Dr. Mark Keil is the John B. Zellars Professor of Computer Information Systems at Georgia State University. He joined the Department of Computer Information Systems in the Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University in 1991 and also holds a joint appointment in GSU’s Department of Computer Science.
Keil’s research focuses on IT project management and includes work on preventing IT project escalation, identifying and managing IT project risks, improving IT project status reporting, and IT implementation and use.
He has published more than 80 refereed journal articles in such outlets as the MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, Decision Sciences, Strategic Management Journal, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Sloan Management Review, and California Management Review.
Keil is currently a senior editor for Information Systems Research and also serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Management Information Systems. He has previously served as a senior editor for the Information Systems Journal, associate editor for both MIS Quarterly and Information Systems Research, co-editor-in-chief of The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, and as an editorial board member for IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
Dr. Geert de Vries is chair of the Department of Biology and is a member of Georgia State’s Neuroscience Institute.
Ever since discovering major sex differences in the vasopressin innervation of the brain as a graduate student, Dr. De Vries has studied the development and function of sex differences in the brain. This culminated in him proposing the idea that such differences can cause as well as prevent sex differences in physiology and behavior. At GSU, he is taking full advantage of the multidisciplinary and collaborative culture provided by the Petit Science Center and currently studies interactions between the gut microbiota and the brain. His research has been consistently funded by NSF and NIH.
Dr. De Vries joined GSU in 2012, leaving a long-standing position at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst (UMass). At UMass, he directed the Center for Neuroendocrine Studies and an NIH-funded Training Program in Neuroendocrinology. He is a founding member and Past President of the Organization for the Study of Sex Differences and Past President of the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology. He served on several scientific NIH and NSF grant review panels, on editorial boards of Endocrinology and Hormones and Behavior, and on the advisory boards of Canada’s Institute of Gender and Health and NIH’s Office on Women’s Health Research.
Dr. S. Tamer Cavusgil holds the Fuller E. Callaway Professorial Chair in the Department of International Business and is Executive Director of the Center for International Business Education and Research.
His work is among the most cited contributions in international business. Google Scholar lists him 1st in the world in export marketing and in-born globals, 2nd in international marketing and emerging markets and 6th in the world in international business. Dr. Cavusgil is the senior author of the leading textbook, International Business and he also founded the leading international marketing journal.
Most recently, the Academy of International Business honored him with the Gold Medal Award for Exceptional Contributions, an honor that has only been bestowed to 16 scholars worldwide.
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Dr. Andrew Gewirtz is a faculty member in Institute for Biomedical Sciences and is a world-renowned leader in the field of microbiome and inflammation.
Dr. Gewirtz has made great strides in advancing his hypothesis associated with chronic low-grade inflammation, which impacts a number of important human diseases.
He has over 200 publications, and recently, he has also been active in COVID-19 research. His work has led to a publication demonstrating the impact of the microbiome on virus infectivity, and his research is playing a key role right here in Atlanta.
Lastly, Dr. Gewirtz has maintained annual external funding of over $1.5M. He is currently Principal Investigator on 3 NIH RO1 awards and Co-Investigator on 2 NIH R01 awards.
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Professor Natsu Saito is a faculty member in the College of Law and a national and international leading scholar. She is known for her groundbreaking incorporation of international law into a vital theoretical framework.
Professor Saito has three books with major academic presses and over 60 articles. Her most recent book Settler Colonialism, Race, and the Law: Why Structural Racism Persists, has received substantial attention for its timely analysis as America confronts the disparate impact of the global pandemic and police shootings on black and brown lives.
Professor Saito was one of the first legal scholars to identify doctrinal parallels in the law governing immigration, federal Indian law, and unincorporated U.S. territories.
Distinguished University Professors
Distinguished University Professors are faculty members who have records of exemplary scholarship in their respective fields of study, with research and teaching trajectories that demonstrate a commitment to sustained high levels of academic achievement.
Dr. Sarah Brosnan is a faculty member in the Department of Psychology and the co-director of the internationally renowned Language Research Center at Georgia State. She is a leader in primate cognition and behavior, particularly economic decision-making processes.
Dr. Brosnan has published over 130 refereed journal articles and book chapters, many of them in high-impact journals such as Nature Scientific Reports and Nature Human Behavior. Her published book chapters include contributions in volumes published by major university presses, including Oxford and Harvard. In addition, she has built an impressive record of external funding, having secured $4 million in research funding as PI while also serving as co-PI on numerous collaborative funded projects.
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Dr. Javier Stern is a faculty member in the Neuroscience Institute and a world leader in his field, making profound contributions in the area of neural and neuroendocrine control of cardiovascular function.
He has published 90 refereed publications, many in top-tier publication venues such as Nature Communications, Neuron, and Journal of Physiology. Dr. Stern also has a strong track record of external funding as PI, with awards totaling over 7 million.
He has been recognized with awards such as the Distinguished Research Award of the Georgia Regents Research Institute.
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Dr. Daniel Whitaker is Associate Dean for Research and Director of National SafeCare Training and Research Center in the School of Public Health.
Whitaker received his PhD in 1996 from the University of Georgia and worked as a scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 10 years before coming to Georgia State in 2008. His research interests focus on family violence including child maltreatment prevention and intimate partner violence prevention, with an interest in intervention research and implementation science. As Director of NSTRC, he has overseen the dissemination of SafeCare across the U.S. and internationally.
Whitaker’s work has been funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, the Administration on Children and Families, the Administration on Healthcare Research and Quality, and the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute. Whitaker is current Editor in Chief for Child Maltreatment.
Dr. Deron Boyles is a scholar in the Department of Educational Policy Studies of College of Education & Human Development.
His research interests include school commercialism, epistemology, ethics, and American philosophy—particularly John Dewey and Joseph Kinmont Hart. His work has been published in journals such as Philosophy of Education, Social Epistemology, Journal of Thought, Education & Culture, Philosophical Studies in Education, Dewey Studies, Inter-American Journal of Philosophy, Journal of Curriculum Theory, History of Education Quarterly, Educational Studies and Educational Theory.
He is the recipient of the 2007 Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award, the 2012 Outstanding Service Award, the 2017 Recognition of Faculty Excellence Award and the 2021 Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award from the College of Education & Human Development at Georgia State University.
In 2010, he was presented with the James and Helen Merritt Award for Distinguished Service to Philosophy
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Dr. Timothy Denning is a faculty member in the Institute for Biomedical Sciences and the Vice President for Research and Economic Development. He is a world-renowned researcher in the field of mucosal immunity and inflammatory bowel diseases. He has also served as the Associate Director of IBMS.
Dr. Denning has published in top-tier journals including Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and the Journal of Immunology. His work has accrued nearly 6,000 citations. In addition, he has received external funding totaling over $4.5 million.
Dr. Denning’s impact on the field is also evident from the awards bestowed upon him, including the very prestigious Cotran Early Career Investigator Award from the American Society for Investigative Pathology.
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Dr. Glenn Eskew is a faculty member in the History Department. His scholarship focuses on the history of Civil Rights in the South. He has published four books with top university presses and has produced more than thirty-five book chapters and journal articles.
Dr. Eskew’s first book publication, But for Birmingham, was recognized in his field with the prestigious Francis Butler Simkins Award. His second book, Johnny Mercer: Southern Songwriter for the World, led to the acquisition of Mercer’s extensive archival records by GSU special collections.
Dr. Eskew has been honored by the Georgia Historical Society, the Georgia Historical Records Advisory Council, and most prominently, the Governor’s Award for the Arts and Humanities. The Governor’s Award puts Dr. Eskew in the company of awardees such as First Lady Rosalynn Carter and the great historian and Georgia State professor, the late Clifford Kuhn.
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Dr. Glenn Harrison is the C.V. Starr Chair of Risk Management & Insurance, Distinguished University Professor, and Director of the Center for the Economic Analysis of Risk (CEAR) in the Department of Risk Management & Insurance, J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University. He has more than 200 academic publications, and his research interests include the economics of risk preferences, risk perception, and insurance, as well as experimental economics, law and economics, international trade policy and environmental policy.
His research in the economics of risk includes the econometrics of inferring structural risk preferences from laboratory and field experiments. More recently he has developed tools to elicit subjective belief distributions, allowing the evaluation of the bias and confidence of risk perceptions at points in time, as well as their evolution over time. Finally, he has developed methods for the normative analysis of insurance as an ex ante risk management tool.
His research in law and economics has centered on the calculation of compensatory damages in tobacco litigation, including testifying for plaintiffs in the Medicaid litigation that resulted in a settlement worth more than $200 billion.
His research in environmental economics has included modeling the effects of alternative policies to mitigate global warming, critiques of casual applications of the contingent valuation method, and improved methods of damage assessment. Most recently he has focused on the formal characterization of environmental reform as a “policy lottery” that properly reflects uncertainty in predicted effects on households.
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Dr. William Sabol is a faculty member in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology. Prior to joining the department in 2017, he was Vice President for Justice and Child Welfare Research at Westat, having served previously as Acting Director of the National Institute of Justice and Director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics in the U.S. Department of Justice.
Dr. Sabol has been a prolific and influential research scholar throughout his career. He has published more than 20 refereed articles and book chapters, many in highly prestigious outlets such as the Journal of the American Medical Association and the American Journal of Public Health. But this represents just a small portion of Dr. Sabol’s scholarly contributions, as the vast majority of his research was published in government statistical reports. These reports and his other publications have been cited more than 6,000 times.
Since coming to Georgia State, Dr. Sabol has also been extremely successful at securing external funding exceeding $4.8 million.
2020 Faculty Awards
The Outstanding Faculty Achievement Award recognizes a tenure-track faculty member who has been at Georgia State for four to 10 years and has made outstanding achievements across the areas of scholarship, teaching and service.
Dr. Ning Fang is a researcher in the Department of Chemistry of the College of Arts & Sciences. His research aims to open up new frontiers in chemical and biological discovery through the development and use of novel optical imaging methods, which provide sub-diffraction-limited spatial resolution, high angular resolution, excellent detectability, and nanometer localization precision for single molecules and nanoparticles in biological samples and microfluidic devices.
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Dr. Ashli Owen-Smith is a behavioral scientist with research interests in health disparities, mental health (specifically serious mental illness, trauma and suicide), chronic pain, and complementary and alternative approaches for complex conditions with both mental and physical causes and manifestations.
Dr. Owen-Smith’s research aims to identify questions that are relevant and important to patients, and to prioritize the translation of research findings into clinical practice. Accordingly, she is interested in conducting patient-centered research and utilizing patient-reported outcomes. She works closely with patients, caregivers, clinicians, and other healthcare stakeholders and is interested in employing qualitative and mixed methods.
The Alumni Distinguished Professor Award recognizes a high-achieving senior faculty member who embodies the balance between teacher and scholar.
Dr. Erin Tone is a faculty member in the Department of Psychology and serves as Associate Chair. Dr. Tone’s research utilizes behavioral and neuroimaging approaches to understand the role of anxiety in developing relationships.
She is a prolific and impactful researcher who has published 90 journal articles and 16 book chapters. Many of these publications are in high-impact outlets, and her work has been cited more than 13,000 times. In addition, her research has been supported by multiple grants.
Dr. Tone has also successfully mentored a large number of doctoral students. She has chaired or co-chaired 13 completed dissertations and served on over 60 dissertation and thesis committees.
The purpose of this award is to recognize a faculty member for exceptional, sustained, and impactful accomplishments in service. This award competition is open to all GSU full-time faculty members who have at least 4 years of faculty employment at GSU.
Dr. Rose Sevcik is a fellow for several professional organizations, including the Associate for Psychological Science. She has also held elected offices in several professional associations, such as the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. In addition, Dr. Sevcik has been the Associate Editor for her field’s top journals, including the Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.
Her contributions to Georgia State also demonstrate a sustained record of significant positive involvement. Dr. Sevcik has served as co-director of the highly successful Center for Research on the Challenges of Acquiring Language and Literacy since 2008. In addition, she is very active in the University Senate, where she has served since 2006. She has chaired the senate Research Committee since 2008, and she also sits on the Senate’s Executive Committee and Budget Committee, to name a few.
The purpose of the Instructional Effectiveness Award is to recognize an instructor who demonstrates a strong commitment to teaching and student success and to share at the university level outstanding approaches in instruction that are creative and effective in engaging students in the learning process.
Dr. Hongmei Zhang is a faculty member in the Biology Department. He is commended for creating a range of active learning techniques for his courses to include writing-intensive and large enrollment classes.
The purpose of the Instructional Innovation Award is to recognize and share at the university level outstanding innovations in teaching that result in improved learning. This award recognizes innovative teaching practices designed to improve student learning in online, blended, or face-to-face courses. Innovations may include any novel teaching strategy or tool designed to enhance student learning.
Joint Award
The recipients of this joint award are commended for their roles in developing a course platform to help students use special collections and primary source materials and expand their critical and interpretive skills.
Colleagues in this joint award:
Professor Jill Anderson, faculty, University Library
Kevin Fleming, Archivist, University Library
Dr. Ewa McGrail, Department of Middle and Secondary Education, College of Education & Human Development
2021 Faculty Awards
The Outstanding Faculty Achievement Award recognizes a tenure-track faculty member who has been at Georgia State for four to 10 years and has made outstanding achievements across the areas of scholarship, teaching and service.
Dr. Alessandra Raengo is a faculty member in the School of Film, Media &Theatre. Dr. Raengo’s work innovatively crosses the boundaries between scholarship, teaching, and service, focusing these efforts toward a new understanding of how race operates in America.
Her signature achievement is liquid blackness, which is a theoretical concept, a research strategy, a curatorial effort, an act of community formation/outreach, and a teaching/mentoring practice. Instead of asking what race is, liquid blackness focuses on what race does when invoked in our society.
The liquid blackness website was recently selected by the Library of Congress for the Openly Available Online Serials Web Archive, and the liquid blackness journal was adopted by Duke University Press.
Dr. Raengo has been described as a model interdisciplinary scholar.
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Dr. Deanna Joseph is an Associate Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities at the Georgia State University School of Music where she conducts the University Singers and leads the master’s program in choral conducting. In 2015, she was the recipient of the College of Arts and Sciences’ Outstanding Teacher Award at Georgia State, where she was selected out of a pool of over 800 faculty. A recent review of her work states, “[t]he choir sings with great musicality, excellent intonation, clear diction, and a healthy and beautiful pallet of tone colors…” (The Choral Scholar).
In May of 2017, the University Singers under Dr. Joseph’s leadership won first place in the renowned Marktoberdorf International Chamber Choir Competition while on a concert tour of Austria and Bavaria. In May of 2013, the University Singers competed in La Florilège Vocal de Tours where the choir placed second overall in the mixed choir category and Dr. Joseph was honored with the Prix du chef de choer (conducting prize).
Dr. Joseph’s research in the area of 19th-century choral-orchestral performance-practice has led to invited presentations on the topic at several division conferences of the American Choral Director’s Association and at the national convention for the National Collegiate Choral Organization.
The Alumni Distinguished Professor Award recognizes a high-achieving senior faculty member who embodies the balance between teacher and scholar.
Dr. Joyce King is a faculty member in the Educational Policy Studies Department and the Benjamin E. Mays Endowed Chair of Urban Teaching, Learning, and Leadership.
As an interdisciplinary scholar, Dr. King is internationally known and has made her mark on a variety of disciplines, including the fields of Education, Sociology, African American/African Diaspora Studies, Gender Studies, and History, to name a few.
Dr. King has authored five books and served as editor of three. She has countless refereed journal articles and book chapters. Her article on dysconscious racism and the miseducation of teachers has been reprinted five times. Most notable and relevant for this award, Dr. King also has numerous publications with doctoral students.
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Dr. Todd Henry is a Distinguished University Professor of Physics & Astronomy in the College of Arts & Sciences. His research includes nearby stars, stellar masses and life in the universe, among an array of interests.
Dr. Henry is the director of RECONS (REsearch Consortium On Nearby Stars), a project to understand the nature of the Sun’s nearest stellar neighbors, both individually and as a population. He and his team have been pulling together a three-dimensional map of all the stars which are located relatively near our Sun, focusing on roughly 6,000 stellar systems. By understanding nearby stars, astronomers can better understand our Sun in context.
Before his arrival at Georgia State in 2000, Dr. Henry served as a project scientist for NASA’s Nearby Stars Project, a research astronomer for the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, a Hubble Fellow at the Space Telescope Science Institute, and a post-doctoral fellow with SETI’s Project Phoenix.
He was named as a Legacy Fellow in an inaugural class with the American Astronomical Society in 2020, and has won multiple awards for his outstanding teaching, mentorship and scholarship during his distinguished career. Dr. Henry holds a Ph.D. in astronomy from the University of Arizona, and a bachelor’s degree in physics and planetary sciences from Cornell University, where one of his undergraduate advisors was the late astronomer Carl Sagan.
The purpose of this award is to recognize a faculty member for exceptional, sustained, and impactful accomplishments in service. This award competition is open to all GSU full-time faculty members who have at least 4 years of faculty employment at GSU.
Dr. Anne Murphy is a faculty member in the Neuroscience Institute. She has served as the founding Associate Director of the Neuroscience Institute and held that post for over eight years. In addition, she ran the Brains & Behavior Distinguished Lecturer series for ten years and currently serves as the Chair of the Neuroscience Institute Seminar. Dr. Murphy has been elected to the Neuroscience Institute’s Executive Committee each year from 2011-2019; she has chaired several faculty search committees and is the faculty advisor of the very active Graduate Student Association.
She has served on Faculty Senate since 2016 and has just been elected to her second term as Vice-Chair of the Faculty for the College of Arts & Sciences. Dr. Murphy also Chairs the University Student Academic Disciplinary Committee and numerous other groups and committees that are necessary to complete the work of the college and the university.
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Dr. Kim Ramsey-White is a faculty member in the Health Policy and Behavioral Sciences Department and the inaugural Director of the School of Public Health’s Bachelor of Science program. Dr. Ramsey-White led the efforts to build the curriculum, hire new faculty, and ensure program compliance with the accrediting agency.
She also oversees the signature experience and capstone initiatives, offering study abroad, student clubs and organizations, and a 4+1 program. In addition, Dr. Ramsey-White leads a partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to create dual in-person and online public health museum exhibits.
Dr. Ramsey-White’s dedication has continued through the pandemic and issues of racial unrest. She established a student-focused public health campaign to share information about COVID-19, and she serves in the newly created role as the Special Advisor to the Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
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Dr. Brian Thoms is a faculty member in the Physics and Astronomy Department, and he serves as the undergraduate director and associate chair.
Dr. Thoms has sustained long-term efforts to the development and modernizing undergraduate physics instruction at Georgia State. Most notably, he has provided leadership in expanding the size and diversity of our Physics program. As a result, GSU graduates six times as many students in Physics. In addition, the undergraduate program is one of the nation’s highest producers of African American physics bachelor’s recipients.
He has also led other projects, including the high school science teacher certification, student career preparation, outreach efforts through the science olympiads, and many others. But particularly during the pandemic, Dr. Thoms played an essential role in moving our physics classes online, created “teaching teams,” and served as a mentor to faculty unfamiliar with online teaching methods.
The purpose of the Instructional Effectiveness Award is to recognize an instructor who demonstrates a strong commitment to teaching and student success and to share at the university level outstanding approaches in instruction that are creative and effective in engaging students in the learning process.
Kelly Cranford is a faculty member in the Business Department at Perimeter College. She is recognized for her dedication to student learning and her ability to motivate students to learn what some see as challenging. Cranford has made the principles of accounting both practical and fun for her students.
The purpose of the Instructional Innovation Award is to recognize and share at the university level outstanding innovations in teaching that result in improved learning. This award recognizes innovative teaching practices designed to improve student learning in online, blended, or face-to-face courses. Innovations may include any novel teaching strategy or tool designed to enhance student learning.
Dr. Mourad Dakhil is a faculty member in the Department of International Business. His dedication to student success is recognized because of his creative and effective virtual exchange initiative that strengthened the relationship with valued foreign partner institutions and provided an amazing learning experience for students.
More About Faculty Awards
Learn more about faculty awards, eligibility, and deadlines for nominating faculty for future awards by selecting the link below.
The Teaching for Social Justice and Democracy Award is given by the Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning & Online Education (CETLOE). Learn more by clicking the link below.
Promotion & Tenure
Faculty are listed in alphabetical order by last name, first name.
Name | Rank | College | Department |
Lisa Alembik | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Fine Arts |
Caroline Anderson | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | English (B) |
Deniz Ballero | Professor | Perimeter College | Life and Earth Sciences |
Na Keya Bazemore | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | English (B) |
John Beatty | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Misty Bentz | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Physics and Astronomy |
Jessica Berry | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Philosophy |
Janna Blum | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Physical Sciences |
Toby Bolsen | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Political Science |
Brian Bonin | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Fine Arts |
Cynthia Box | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Keisha Brown | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Deborah Byrd | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | English (A) |
Kris Byron | Professor | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | Management |
Beth Cianfrone | Professor | College of Education and Human Development | Kinesiology and Health |
Andrew I. Cohen | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Philosophy |
Blair Cohen | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Deborah Constable | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Business Administration |
Amy Cook | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Physical Sciences |
Alexander Cummings | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | History |
Dajun Dai | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Geosciences |
Charlette Deloach | Assistant Professor | Perimeter College | Nursing |
Andrea DiBenardo | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Humanities |
Craig Drennen | Professor | College of the Arts | Art and Design |
Jennifer Duncan | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | English (B) |
Rebecca Ellis | Professor | College of Education and Human Development | Kinesiology and Health |
Ning Fang | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Chemistry |
Jason Flato | Professor | Perimeter College | Humanities |
Gina Flowers | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | English (B) |
Tiffany Flowers | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Cultural & Behavioral Science |
Sabrina Freeney | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Humanities |
Chandra French | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Michelle Gaddis | Assistant Professor | Perimeter College | Nursing |
Crystal Garrett | Professor | Perimeter College | History & Political Science |
Sarah Gershon | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Political Science |
Armida Gilbert | Professor | Perimeter College | English (A) |
Lauri Goodling | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | English (B) |
Stewart Goodman | Assistant Professor | Perimeter College | Humanities |
Lei Gu | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Computer Science |
James Guinn | Professor | Perimeter College | Physical Sciences |
Nancy Gup | Professor | Perimeter College | Cultural & Behavioral Science |
Christie Hartley | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Philosophy |
Yaniv Heled | Professor | College of Law | |
Mark Hollier | Professor | Perimeter College | Life and Earth Sciences |
Robert Hopkins | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Business Administration |
Seyed Hosseini | Professor | Perimeter College | Life and Earth Sciences |
Ivaylo Ivanov | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Chemistry |
Scott Jacques | Professor | Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Criminal Justice & Criminology |
Deanna Joseph | Professor | College of the Arts | Music |
Joann Joyner | Professor | Perimeter College | Physical Sciences |
Michelle Kassorla | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | English (B) |
YouJin Kim | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Applied Linguistics and ESL |
Richard Kirk | Professor | Perimeter College | Business Administration |
Kathryn Kozaitis | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Anthropology |
Cynthia Kreutzer | Professor | Perimeter College | Cultural & Behavioral Science |
Ann Kruger | Professor | College of Education and Human Development | Learning Sciences |
Cynthia Lester | Professor | Perimeter College | Computer Science |
Leigh Anne Liu | Professor | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | Institute for International Business |
Jonathan Lochamy | Professor | Perimeter College | Life and Earth Sciences |
Susannah Lomant | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Physical Sciences |
Kenneth Long | Professor | College of the Arts | Music |
Dihema Longman (Ferguson) | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Rodney Lyn | Professor | School of Public Health | Health Policy & Behavioral Science |
Rusandica Manole | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Leslie Marsh | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | World Languages and Cultures |
Likoebe Maruping | Professor | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | Computer Information Systems |
Vivian Mativo | Professor | Perimeter College | Physical Sciences |
Kenneth McNamara | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | English (B) |
Jennifer Miller | Assistant Professor | Perimeter College | Business Administration |
Kari Miller | Professor | Perimeter College | English (B) |
David Moon | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | History & Political Science |
Sean Murphy | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | History & Political Science |
Euguenia Novokshanova | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | English (B) |
MaryHelen O'Connor | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | English (A) |
Timothy O'Keefe | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Philosophy |
Tamra Ortgies-Young | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | History & Political Science |
Jennifer Patico | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Anthropology |
Chester Phillips | Professor | College of the Arts | Music |
Cynthia Puranik | Professor | College of Education and Human Development | Communication Sciences and Disorders |
Alessandra Raengo | Professor | College of the Arts | Film, Media, and Theatre |
Tracienne Ravita | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | English (A) |
Marilyn Render | Assistant Professor | Perimeter College | Humanities |
Angelo Restivo | Professor | College of the Arts | Film, Media, and Theatre |
Daniel Robin | Professor | College of the Arts | Film, Media, and Theatre |
Ryan Rowberry | Professor | College of Law | |
Melissa Schoene | Professor | Perimeter College | Physical Sciences |
Nirej Sekhon | Professor | College of Law | |
Anthony Serpico | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Kinesiology and Health Professions |
Athertina Steinau | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Life and Earth Sciences |
Tamara Stephens | Assistant Professor | Perimeter College | Nursing |
Cynthia Stevens | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Humanities |
Michael Stewart | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Mathematics and Statistics |
Natalie Stickney | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Kinesiology and Health Professions |
Nancy Storey | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Kinesiology and Health Professions |
Kevin Swartout | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Psychology |
Kirk Swenson | Professor | Perimeter College | English (B) |
Ivo Tafkov | Professor | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | Accountancy |
Tracy Thomas | Assistant Professor | Perimeter College | Nursing |
Ursula Thomas | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Cultural & Behavioral Science |
Erin Tone | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Psychology |
Bethany Turner-Livermore | Professor | College of Arts and Sciences | Anthropology |
Monica Weatherly | Professor | Perimeter College | English (A) |
Karen Wheel-Carter | Professor | Perimeter College | Business Administration |
Jonathan Wiley | Professor | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | Real Estate |
Shawn Williams | Professor | Perimeter College | English (A) |
Allison Williams | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Joanna Wilson | Associate Professor | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Name | Promoted to | College | Department |
Kinda Abdus - Saboor | Senior Lecturer | College of Law | |
Ted Afield | Clinical Professor | College of Law | |
Tarushee Ahuja | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Chemistry |
Liana Artinian | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Biology |
Tesfaye Asfaw | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | Physical Sciences |
Boubacar Bah | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | Life and Earth Sciences |
Jeremiah Benning | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | English (B) |
Maria Bermudez | Principal Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | World Languages and Cultures |
Ruchi Bhatnagar | Clinical Associate Professor | College of Education and Human Development | Early Childhood and Elementary Education |
Lauren Boden | Clinical Associate Professor | College of Education and Human Development | Learning Sciences |
Megan Boyd | Senior Lecturer | College of Law | |
Chris Brown | Principal Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Political Science |
Laura Burtle | Librarian Associate Professor | University Library | |
Rebekah Chapman | Principal Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Biology |
Patreck Chikwanda | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Mathematics and Statistics |
Brandi Childress | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | Life and Earth Sciences |
E. Namisi Chilungu | Clinical Associate Professor | College of Education and Human Development | Learning Sciences |
Angela Christie | Principal Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | English |
Erin Church | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Thomas Conklin | Clinical Professor | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | Management |
David Connors | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Chemistry |
Harper Cossar | Senior Lecturer | College of the Arts | Film, Media, and Theatre |
April Crisp | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | Cultural & Behavioral Science |
Sumith Doluweera | Principal Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Physics and Astronomy |
Karen Doster-Greenleaf | Librarian Assistant Professor | University Library | |
Lee Eades | Clinical Associate Professor | Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions | Nursing |
Patrick Elliott | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | History & Political Science |
Rachel Ernst | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | History |
Michael Evans | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Political Science |
Stephan Fitzpatrick | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | Life and Earth Sciences |
Kevin Fleming | Librarian Associate Professor | University Library | |
Gerard Fowke | Law Librarian Assistant Professor | College of Law | Law Library |
Doug Gardenhire | Clinical Professor | Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions | Respiratory Therapy |
Gregory Gimpel | Clinical Associate Professor | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | Computer Information Systems |
Jane Gore | Clinical Associate Professor | Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions | Physical Therapy |
Carol Grantham | Clinical Associate Professor | Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions | Nursing |
Emily Graybill | Clinical Associate Professor | School of Public Health | Health Policy & Behavioral Science |
Jeremiah Harden | Principal Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Chemistry |
James Helms | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | Cultural & Behavioral Science |
Kimberly Hires | Clinical Associate Professor | Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions | Nursing |
Carla Huggins | Clinical Associate Professor | Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions | Physical Therapy |
Shalini Jain | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | Physical Sciences |
Jie Jiang | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Chemistry |
Cyntoria Johnson | Clinical Associate Professor | Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Criminal Justice & Criminology |
Kelsey Jordan | Librarian Assistant Professor | University Library | |
James Kahrs | Clinical Associate Professor | College of Education and Human Development | Educational Policy Studies |
Trisha Kanan | Principal Senior Lecturer | College of Law | |
Holly Keddington | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | Cultural & Behavioral Science |
Kenya Kirkendoll | Clinical Associate Professor | Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions | Nursing |
Jim Koen | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | Physical Sciences |
Juliana Kubala | Principal Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Womens Gender & Sexuality Studies |
Tosha Lamar | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Robert Land | Senior Lecturer | College of the Arts | Film, Media, and Theatre |
Stephanie Langston | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | Humanities |
Jennie Law | Librarian Assistant Professor | University Library | |
Michael Law | Clinical Associate Professor | College of Education and Human Development | Learning Sciences |
Tameka Lester | Clinical Associate Professor | College of Law | |
Karin Machluf | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Psychology |
Charoo Malhotra | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Jessica Marcus | Clinical Assistant Professor | Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions | Nursing |
Sarah McCool | Clinical Associate Professor | School of Public Health | Health Policy & Behavioral Science |
Brian Meyer | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Geosciences |
Laura Meyers | Clinical Professor | College of Education and Human Development | Early Childhood and Elementary Education |
Christopher Moffat | Librarian Assistant Professor | University Library | |
Kimberly Morelli | Clinical Professor | Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions | Physical Therapy |
Oscar Moreno | Principal Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | World Languages and Cultures |
Patricia Mote | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | Life and Earth Sciences |
Michelle Nelson | Clinical Associate Professor | Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions | Nursing |
Faidra Papavasiliou | Principal Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Anthropology |
Lindy Parker | Senior Academic Professional | School of Public Health | Health Policy & Behavioral Science |
Patrick Parsons | Law Librarian Associate Professor | College of Law | Law Library |
Cassandra Patterson | Law Librarian Assistant Professor | College of Law | Law Library |
DaShaunda Patterson | Clinical Associate Professor | College of Education and Human Development | Learning Sciences |
Linda Pattillo | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Mathematics & Statistics |
Denise Pendarvis | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Catherine Perkins | Clinical Professor | College of Education and Human Development | Counseling & Psychological Services |
Scott Pieper | Librarian Assistant Professor | University Library | |
Amy Reber | Principal Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Biology |
Barbara Robertson | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | History & Political Science |
Robert Robinson | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | Humanities |
Amy Rollins | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | Life and Earth Sciences |
Maura Ryan | Principal Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Sociology |
Kurt Schmitz | Clinical Associate Professor | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | Computer Information Systems |
Amie Seidman | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | English (B) |
P. Douglas Sellers | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Psychology |
Angela Service | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | Computer Science |
Samuel Shan | Clinical Assistant Professor | Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions | Respiratory Therapy |
Michael Shapiro | Clinical Associate Professor | Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Criminal Justice & Criminology |
Amy Stalker | Librarian Assistant Professor | University Library | |
Lorrie Stewart | Clinical Assistant Professor | Perimeter College | Nursing |
Mikhail Stroev | Senior Academic Professional | College of Arts and Sciences | Mathematics & Statistics |
Kristi Journey Swafford | Clinical Associate Professor | College of Education and Human Development | Early Childhood and Elementary Education |
Mandy Swgart-Hobaugh | Librarian Professor | University Library | |
Paul Ulrich | Principal Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Biology |
Margaret Vath | Principal Senior Lecturer | College of Law | |
Brandon Ward | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | History & Political Science |
Kristen Westrick | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | English (B) |
Michelle Wright | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | Cultural & Behavioral Science |
David Yenerall | Senior Lecturer | Perimeter College | Physical Sciences |
Hongmei Zhang | Senior Lecturer | College of Arts and Sciences | Biology |
Name | College | Department |
Thomas Anderson | Perimeter College | Fine Arts |
Kathleen Baggett | School of Public Health | Health Policy & Behavioral Science |
Lynda Cain | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Sarah Callaghan | Perimeter College | Kinesiology and Health Professions |
Jennifer Colatosti | Perimeter College | English (A) |
Kelly Cranford | Perimeter College | Business Administration |
Mary Davison | Perimeter College | Life and Earth Sciences |
Vicente Della Tonia | Perimeter College | Fine Arts |
Sharon Derby | Perimeter College | Nursing |
Hong Du | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Bettina Durant | Perimeter College | Humanities |
Mark Flowers | Perimeter College | Business Administration |
Sabrina Freeney | Perimeter College | Humanities |
Thomas Gaines | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Sujay Galen | Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions | Physical Therapy |
Stephanie Garofalo | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
David Girmay | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Mark Graves | Perimeter College | Life and Earth Sciences |
Nicole Harsch | Perimeter College | Cultural & Behavioral Science |
Jessie Hayden | Perimeter College | English (B) |
Jane Hercules | Perimeter College | Humanities |
Avijit Kar | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Jun Kong | College of Arts and Sciences | Mathematics and Statistics |
Diana McGinnis | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Stacy Mitchell | Perimeter College | History & Political Science |
Somaya Muiny | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Laurie O'Connor | Perimeter College | Humanities |
Nikita Patterson | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Corey Pihera | Perimeter College | Business Administration |
Robert Pruvenok | Perimeter College | Mathematics |
Fernando Rochaix | Perimeter College | Fine Arts |
William Sabol | Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Criminal Justice & Criminology |
Rebecca Weaver | Perimeter College | English (A) |
Karen Williams Jones | Perimeter College | Humanities |
Shayla Willis | Perimeter College | English (A) |
Full Name | Rank Promoted To | College | Department |
Eyal Aharoni | Associate Professor with tenure | College of Arts and Sciences | Psychology |
Lia Bascomb | Associate Professor with tenure | College of Arts and Sciences | African-American Studies |
Michael Beran | Professor with tenure | College of Arts and Sciences | Psychology |
Kaisheka Capers | Associate Professor with tenure | Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Public Management and Policy |
Jonathan Cohen | Associate Professor with tenure | College of Education and Human Development | Learning Sciences |
Christina Fuller | Associate Professor with tenure | School of Public Health | Population Health Sciences |
Cecillia Gu | Associate Professor with tenure | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | Institute for International Business |
Chad Hartnell | Associate Professor with tenure | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | Management |
Timothy Kellison | Associate Professor with tenure | College of Education and Human Development | Kinesiology and Health |
Mirae Kim | Associate Professor with tenure | Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Public Management and Policy |
Tiffany King | Associate Professor with tenure | College of Arts and Sciences | Womens Gender & Sexuality Studies |
Daniel Kreisman | Associate Professor with tenure | Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Economics |
Audrey Leroux | Associate Professor with tenure | College of Education and Human Development | Educational Policy Studies |
William Mann | Associate Professor with tenure | College of the Arts | Music |
Carlianne Patrick | Associate Professor with tenure | Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Economics |
Michael Pesko | Associate Professor with tenure | Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Economics |
Jay Rajiva | Associate Professor with tenure | College of Arts and Sciences | English |
Laura Shannonhouse | Associate Professor with tenure | College of Education and Human Development | Counseling & Psychological Services |
Nicola Sharratt | Associate Professor with tenure | College of Arts and Sciences | Anthropology |
Claire Spears | Associate Professor with tenure | School of Public Health | Health Policy & Behavioral Science |
Judd Thornton | Associate Professor with tenure | College of Arts and Sciences | Political Science |
Liang-Ching Tsai | Associate Professor with tenure | Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions | Physical Therapy |
Christopher Tullis | Associate Professor with tenure | College of Education and Human Development | Learning Sciences |
Baozhong Wang | Professor with tenure | Institute for Biomedical Sciences | Biomedical Sciences |
Yinying Wang | Associate Professor with tenure | College of Education and Human Development | Educational Policy Studies |
Chenyi Zhang | Associate Professor with tenure | College of Education and Human Development | Early Childhood and Elementary Education |
Jean-Paul Addie | Associate Professor with tenure | Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Urban Studies Institute |
Hadiye Aslan | Associate Professor with tenure | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | Finance |
Sarah Barber | Associate Professor with tenure | College of Arts and Sciences | Psychology |
Heather Bradley | Associate Professor with tenure | School of Public Health | Population Health Sciences |
Sean Cao | Associate Professor with tenure | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | Accountancy |
Megan Connors | Associate Professor with tenure | College of Arts and Sciences | Physics and Astronomy |
Matthew DeAngelis | Associate Professor with tenure | J. Mack Robinson College of Business | Accountancy |
Patrick Enderle | Associate Professor with tenure | College of Education and Human Development | Middle and Secondary Education |
David Iwaniec | Associate Professor with tenure | Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Urban Studies Institute |
Lucy Popova | Associate Professor with tenure | School of Public Health | Health Policy & Behavioral Science |
Jonathan Smith | Associate Professor with tenure | Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Economics |
Amy Spring | Associate Professor with tenure | College of Arts and Sciences | Sociology |
Desiree Wanders | Associate Professor with tenure | Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions | Nutrition |
Feng Yang | Associate Professor with tenure | College of Education and Human Development | Kinesiology and Health |
Jing Zhang | Associate Professor with tenure | College of Arts and Sciences | Mathematics and Statistics |
Brendan Balint | Associate Professor with tenure | Perimeter College | English (A) |
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