Second Survey & Improvement Cycle, 2022-25
Quantitative Results (Faculty Only) via iCollege
All viewers can access a summary of survey participation and key results below this section, however, full access to quantitative results is limited to faculty only. The report is available on faculty members’ iCollege accounts, listed as courses. Use your Georgia State campus ID and password to log in. If you have technical difficulties, please use the contact form here.
Participation & Overview
Georgia State completed the first COACHE survey and action plan cycle during the 2021-22 academic year, with a final action plan report issued during the spring semester (click here to read the report).
Recognizing that COACHE is intended as a cyclical improvement process, Georgia State embarked on the second cycle in Fall 2022, with a survey distributed in mid-February 2023 to all full-time faculty who had been employed for at least a year or more at the university. The survey closed in April 2023, with results sent to the COACHE administrators at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (GSE) for reporting and analysis.
Representing a population of a little over 1,500 faculty members, the response rate by Georgia State faculty to the 2023 survey exceeded not only the first survey three years ago, but it also exceeded the average response rates at the 86 other institutions in our cohort.
Response Rates: 2020 vs. 2023
A Note About Response Rates
The response rates as published on this web page may differ from the final statistics published in the COACHE II Action Plan, also available on this website.
These data reflect information prior to COACHE’s data conditioning process. In the report issued from COACHE in August 2023, COACHE defined a “response rate” as the percent of all qualified subjects whose responses, following the data conditioning process, were deemed eligible to be included in this analysis. The nonrespondents include faculty who were “screened out” by the survey application or by later data cleaning processes. Therefore, the proportion of faculty who started the survey may be higher here than the response rate reported in the Action Plan.
A Little Friendly Competition
To encourage and incentivize participation in the survey, the Provost provided a college-, school- and institute challenge. The unit with the highest response rate received professional development funds.
The Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions had the highest response rate, with 93% of faculty who received the survey responding.
The university received its results in Summer 2023 from Harvard GSE, and a team from Georgia State (Office of Faculty Affairs, Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Office of the Provost) conferred with COACHE at Harvard in preparation for the review and dissemination of survey results.
Georgia State provided quantitative results to all faculty via iCollege in October. The Provost requested that COACHE at Harvard GSE provide college-, school- and institute-level reports, which will also be provided to faculty in the Fall 2023 semester.
The results in each report are divided by subject area and are then broken down further into a disciplinary analysis and a demographic analysis. The disciplinary analysis disaggregates responses by broad academic field. The demographic analysis disaggregates them by tenure status and rank, gender, race, and ethnicity. Providing a wealth of data, the reports surface areas of faculty satisfaction and dissatisfaction, as benchmarked against the responses of both external and internal peer groups.
The summary results below show new strengths identified by the survey. In a subsequent chart comparing areas of concern in 2020 versus 2023, the results demonstrate the significant impact of the first COACHE Action Plan. This will be described in further detail in the “What’s Changed?” section of this report.
2023 Areas of Strength
2023 Survey
Departmental Engagement
Promotion to Full Professor
Governance: Shared Sense of Purpose
Departmental Leadership
Senior Leadership
Areas for Improvement: 2020 to 2023 Comparison
2020 Survey
Benefits & Salary
Nature of Work: Service
Personal and Family Policies
Appreciation and Recognition
Governance: Shared Sense of Purpose
Governance: Trust
Governance: Understanding the Issue at Hand
Interdisciplinary Work
Faculty Leadership
2023 Survey
Benefits & Salary
Nature of Work: Service
Personal and Family Policies
Nature of Work: Teaching
Accessing the Results
As stated above, full quantitative results are available to Georgia State faculty via iCollege.
A summary of the results is available in PDF format at the link below.