Policies, Procedures, and Resources
The recruitment of faculty and subsequent promotion and tenure decisions are a few of the most important activities the University undertakes. The Office of the Provost maintains official university records relating to faculty appointments, promotion and tenure.
Guidelines for appointment, promotion and tenure and related materials are housed on the Office of Faculty Affairs website.
Policy Library
The Georgia State policy library houses the official collection of all institutional policies that impact the members of the university community across all colleges and divisions.
Academic Honesty
The Policy on Academic Honesty is published in the Student Code of Conduct and the Student Handbook and is available to all members of the university community. The policy represents a core value of the university, and all members of the university community are responsible for abiding by its tenets. Lack of knowledge of this policy is not an acceptable defense to any charge of academic dishonesty. Members of the academic community, students, faculty and staff, are expected to report violations of these standards of academic conduct in accordance with the procedures articulated in this Policy on Academic Honesty.