Academic Integrity – Journal Articles
Academic Integrity – Journal Articles
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Academic Integrity
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY RESOURCES Policies & Procedures Georgia State Policy on Academic Honesty Policy on Academic Honesty As members of the [...]GSU 1010/PCO 1020 Ethics and Integrity Course Materials
GSU 1010/PCO 1020 Ethics and Integrity Course Materials
Access sample course assignments and other materials on ethics and integrity from a first-year experience course at Georgia State (GSU 1010/PCO 1020).
Challenges of remote assessment in higher education in the context of COVID-19: a case study of Middle East College (External Research)
Challenges of remote assessment in higher education in the context of COVID-19: a case study of Middle East College (External Research)
[External Research – Abstract from the authors] Due to the unprecedented COVID-19 incident, higher education institutions have faced different challenges in their teaching-learning activities. Particularly conducting assessments remotely during COVID-19 has posed extraordinary challenges for higher education institutions owing to lack of preparation superimposed with the inherent problems of remote assessment. In the current study, the challenges of remote assessment during COVID-19 incident in higher education institutions were investigated taking Middle East College as a case study. For the study, questionnaires were prepared and data from 50 faculties were collected and analyzed. The study focused on the challenges of remote assessment in general and academic dishonesty in particular. The main challenges identified in remote assessment were academic dishonesty, infrastructure, coverage of learning outcomes, and commitment of students to submit assessments. To minimize academic dishonesty, preparing different questions to each student was found to be the best approach. Online presentation was also found to be good option to control academic integrity violations. Combining various assessment methods, for instance report submission with online presentation, helps to minimize academic dishonesty since the examiner would have a chance to confirm whether the submitted work is the work of the student.
Collegiate Academic Dishonesty Revisited:What Have They Done, How Often Have They Done It, Who Does It, And Why Did They Do It? (External Research)
Collegiate Academic Dishonesty Revisited:What Have They Done, How Often Have They Done It, Who Does It, And Why Did They Do It? (External Research)
[External Research] This study attempts to broaden the understanding of academic dishonesty in two ways. First, most previous studies have focused on a narrow range of cheating behaviors. This study asked students about 20 different types of academic dishonesty. Second, this study attempted to reveal which correlates were the strongest predictors of academic dishonesty with multi-variate analysis. Correlates from past research were included in the multi-variate analysis. It is important to note that this is an atheoretical study. While no particular theory is utilized to explain academic dishonesty among college students, the results are nevertheless important. Identifying important correlates of academic dishonesty should help provide a better picture of past findings and also allow those interested in curbing cheating to focus upon important predictors of academic dishonesty.