The Future of Work, Technology and Education: Digital Literacy At Georgia State
The Future of Work, Technology and Education: Digital Literacy At Georgia State
The world is changing at an unprecedented rate. Computers are being integrated into devices ranging from stoplights to smart speakers. Sensors collect immense amounts of data providing insights into everything from our health to what motivates us. Robotics and 3D printing are reshaping manufacturing processes. Renewable energy and artificial intelligence are reinventing industries from transportation to telecommunication.
These fast-paced changes are ushering in what many refer to as a Fourth Industrial Revolution, profoundly altering how we live, work and interact. This oncoming revolution makes it imperative that educational institutions consider how best to prepare students with an understanding of the complex impact these technologies have. How can automated decision-making be implemented ethically? How can students be ready for a world in which their co-worker could be a machine? At Georgia State, our goal is to ensure every student is ready to flourish in this world of the future.
While digital skills are a crucial piece of educating students for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, we cannot lose sight of the human element and the increasing importance of collaboration, communication and compassion as technology advances. Several years ago, Georgia State started a digital literacy initiative, incorporating digital competencies into class activities in the university’s core curriculum. Learn more about how Georgia State’s digital literacy efforts have blossomed by clicking the link.